Wednesday, December 15, 2010

FFMR - December 2010: Glenn Sacks

Glenn has been an advocate of men’s issues for many years. He is also a Director of the Fathers & Families advocacy group and is particularly active in exposing the lies that feminists publish under the guise of  ‘scholarly research’ and lobbying for equity legislation. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

FFMR - November 2010: Mike Murphy

Mike runs a blog dedicated to highlighting the problems of parental alienation. He is a Canadian and he speaks for men and fathers worldwide who have personal experience with the pro-female legal system. His blog has much information of interest to men. Mike is a hero. He is on the front in the feminist war against men and deserves a medal.  

Friday, October 15, 2010

FFMR - October 2010: Goodfella

Goodfella, whomever he really is, deserves an award. His clever use of animation combined with insightful scripts about the evils of feminism are clearly the work of a wise and discerning man. He has his own channel at YouTube and blog visitors are encouraged to view his work.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

FFMR- September 2010: Paul Elam

Paul has guided the A Voice For Men website for several years. In his own words, he does so “because something needs to be done. Because as human beings we must at least try.” Paul recognizes that something has poisoned the relationships of men and women, which means it is poisoning our children. And instead of finding solutions, men have become addicted to the problem. He is not concerned with offending readers, as telling the truth is the ultimate goal.

A Voice For Men 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

FFMR - August 2010: Tom Leykis

Tom Leykis has done much to support the men’s movement. He has encouraged men to act together while at the same time exposing feminist filth in all its forms. Women hate him. This means he speaks the truth about how selfish and lazy they really are.  

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

FFMR - July 2010: Roy Den Hollander

Roy lives in New York City and is active in using the legal system to make progress for men’s rights. He is focused on male discrimination which exists in the bars and clubs industries where men have to pay more than women for food or drinks.

Imagine the uproar if blacks were charged more for drinks. But if men are charged more, somehow that is acceptable.

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