Monday, December 15, 2014

FFMR - December 2014: Matt O'Connor

Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) was formed in the summer of 2001 by London-based political activist Matt O’Connor after he was denied access to his two sons Daniel and Alexander in Britain’s Secret Family Courts. This followed a difficult separation from his first wife.

Despite resolving the matter out of court in late 2001 and re-establishing a normal relationship with his boys, O’Connor pledged to reform family law for the benefit of his sons whom he feared would suffer the same experience when they became fathers. On 17th December 2002, Fathers 4 Justice staged their first direct action demonstration when 200 Father Christmases stormed the lobby of the then Lord Chancellor’s Department.

Since then O’Connor has masterminded the creation of one of the highest profile campaign groups in the world, spawning a host of imitation (but unrelated) groups in different countries. His iconic protests have garnered worldwide publicity for a cause shrouded in secrecy by the courts and ignored by the political and religious elite.

From Spiderman at Tower Bridge to Batman at Buckingham Palace and the flour-bombing of the Prime Minister in the chamber of the House of Commons, the campaign for truth, justice and equality in family law has captured the public imagination, catapulting the issues surrounding family law to the top of the political agenda, and inspiring thousands of disenfranchised parents and grandparents alike to campaign for equal parenting rights.

Fathers For Justice   Article.pdf    Wikipedia1      Wikipedia2   

FathersForJustice Video.flv

Video1.flv    Video2.flv     Video3.flv     Video4.flv     Video5.flv     Video6.flv  

Saturday, November 15, 2014

FFMR - November 2014: Navneet Sahu

Navneet Sahu lives in India, a country that is not often talk about by American men interested in men's rights. Yet, India has many problems caused by feminists as there have been several cases of false allegations and many laws that are blatantly anti-male.

He is one of the prime organizers of the Save Indian Family movement which is using many aspects of social media to further the cause. Navneet is a hero to all Indian men and is an example of many men who are fighting for men's rights.

Article.pdf      Video.pdf      Twitter    Blog1    Blog2   Blog3 

Website       WikiMANNia    YahooGroups    

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

FFMR - October 2014: Greg Canning

Dr.Greg Canning, demonstrates the kind of commitment that is needed to inform the public about the slavery situation that men find themselves in, particularly in Australia. He first got involved in men's issue when the radical feminists infiltrated the Julia Gillard government (with Gillard's blessing) which then granted tax payer dollars to the tune of 2 Billion dollars to feminist interests.
Greg is now involved in men's rights activism in many ways. He is a shining example of a man who doesn't complain, he takes ACTION against evil feminists.
Men's Rights Sydney         Facebook    

article1.pdf     article2.pdf      interview.flv     video1.flv    

Monday, September 15, 2014

FFMR - September 2014: Anonymous Men

There are many men who see feminism exactly for what it is -- extra privileges for females without extra responsibilities. For their own reasons they prefer to remain anonymous but contribute to the fall of feminism in their own way.

Men worldwide are steadily contributing what they can in the battle against feminism. You, too, should do something and post it on the internet for all to see. It can be a blog, cartoon, video, interview, mp3, article, or letter to the editor ... anything that exposes feminist "logic". The first and second videos are the most telling.

Friday, August 15, 2014

FFMR - August 2014: Drew Sterrett

According to The Daily Caller, Sterrett had sex with a female student in his dorm room. His roommate was present could attest to it being consensual. While at home for summer break, five months later, Sterrett was informed by the university the female student had filed a rape complaint against him. 

The university told Sterrett any time in trying to procure a lawyer would result in the proceedings commencing without him. In a hearing via Skype communication later that day, Sterrett denied any wrongdoing. Sterrett's accuser had second thoughts about the details of their encounter being made public resulting in the investigation being halted in September. He was warned to stay away from the dorm where his accuser resided while being totally unaware of the full accusations against him. The university proceeded to adjudicate the matter anyway resulting in administrators informing Sterrett "he was found guilty of raping his accuser and creating a 'hostile environment' for her, and would be suspended until 2016."

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

FFMR - July 2014: Joe Rogan

Some men are excellent researchers and writers, which ensures they author lengthy and detailed analysis to assist other fighting for men's rights. Some men's strengths lay in their verbal abilities.

Joe Rogan is one of those men whose acid tongue can quickly humiliate any feminist argument in existence and this is something all men wish they had in confronting feminists.

Website     Twitter      Wikipedia    

Video1    Video2    Video3     Video4     

Video5    Video6    Video7   


Sunday, June 15, 2014

FFMR - June 2014: Rollo Tomassi

Rollo Tomassi occupies a leadership position within the men’s human rights movements. Articulate and clever are just a few adjectives that could justly be used to describe him. 

His book, blog, and videos clearly state the problems that are common to men worldwide and offer excellent advice accordingly. 

He is a hero, and deserves a medal.  

Website      Gynocentrism      Twitter      Book  

Can't negotiate desire.flv    Hail to the V.flv  

Missing Handbook for Men.flv   The Rational Male.flv  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

FFMR - May 2014: Ben Vonderheide

Ben Vonderheide is known as “Daddy Justice” for his excellent leadership in fighting the feminist-lunacy that has infiltrated the family justice system in America as well as the entire government service. He spends much time in outing corrupt government officials who blindly follow feminist attempts to denies men their basic human rights. 

The world needs many more like Ben.

Lisalyn Jacobs -Criminal.pdf      
Criminal -Lisalyn R. Jacobs.flv   

Daddy Justice Mobile.flv    Daddy Justice Catches Crooks.flv  

Judge Threatens Daddy Justice.flv      

Silent Witness Episode 2.flv    

Stolen Baby.flv    Wanted.flv   

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FFMR - April 2014: Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith’s wife, Tiffany Marie Smith,made numerous false allegations against him during the divorce process. The Delaware Police consistently accepted her word as gospel as they were corrupted by the typical “women do not lie” drivel that is part of feminist lunacy. Finally, in September 2012 Tiffany was arrested and all charges against Gordon were dropped. He fought the pro-feminist state of Delaware and won. 

Gordon is a hero.

article1.pdf    article2.pdf    article3.pdf     article4.pdf   

LetterToAG.pdf    False Allegations.flv     Tiffany Smith Arrested.flv  

Saturday, March 15, 2014

FFMR - March 2014: Harvey Silvergate

Harvey is a lawyer based in Boston, MA who has been a strong advocate of free speech for many decades. He has been active in fighting feminist attempts to muzzle men’s rights speakers, particularly those who expose the many lies of feminism. 
Harvey has many talents. His contribution to men’s rights are the most worthy.

Article1.pdf     video1.flv   

Saturday, February 15, 2014

FFMR - February 2014: Eivind Berge

Eivind Berge is a hard core promoter of men’s rights. He is exactly what the men’s movement needs – active men who demonstrate to others that men will NOT accept any more feminist nonsense. To some, he is a hero. He is a bit of a zealot as he advocates killing police officers. 

He should temper his comments with encouragement of all males to talk to policemen and to encourage disobedience to the feminist police state called Norway.

article1.pdf    Blog  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

FFMR - January 2014: Barry Williams

Barry Williams is a first class man. In the 1970s, his drunken wife abruptly left he and four children. Barry fought the entire Australian social system to ensure he maintained custody of the family, even in the face of hostility. He has been supporting fathers for many decades and is a shining light for all men.  His organization “Lone Fathers of Australia” leads the way in his country. 

He was ecstatic when Gillian Gillard was rightfully removed from politics. 

Article1.pdf      Video.flv     Interview.flv   Website