Sunday, December 15, 2013

FFMR - December 2013: Daniel Donaldson

Daniel Donaldson is a former solicitor residing in Scotland who writes a blog that is passionate about equality. The blog started in March 2013 and is indicative of the millions of men worldwide who are waking up to the injustices men receive everyday at the hands of the feminists. 

The very existence of his blog is proof that MHRAs are gaining strength. As his theme is ‘equality for all’ it is likely that he, like most MHRAs, will steadily lose respect for anything feminism as he comes to the only conclusion that feminists say they want equality but their actions clearly show they hate men.

Blog     LinkedIn    Contact    

Friday, November 15, 2013

FFMR - November 2013: Fidelbogen

Fidelbogen has maintained his blog for many years. Each of his blog posts expose more and more feminist lunacy and are supported with convincing statistics and historical perspective. While using examples of out of control feminists around the world, the steady theme since 2006 (his first blog post) has been that men must come together to hold feminists accountable for their child-like behavior. 

His blog roll is long and a good source for all MHRAs.

Video1    Video2     Video3    Video4      Video5

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

FFMR - October 2013: Anti-Feminist Technology

The creator of the website “” has many important things to say about pro-male issues and numerous other issues as well. He is particularly famous for establishing a monthly “Entitlement Princess of the Month” award which is given to the female narcissist who best demonstrates the evil effects of feminism. He encourages submissions for the award from all men. Unfortunately, there are numerous nominees each month. 

He is a mens’ rights blogger that has realized that technology is the key to defeating feminism and their allies.

When the website owner is ready (and only then) to make his name and photo public, it will be posted here.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

FFMR - September 2013: Craig Gonsewski

Craig Gonsewski and his wife had been married for many years when the inevitable bitter divorce came. Craig demanded that no alimony be paid, of which the Tennessee court approved. The wife, anxious to extract male wealth without merit, appealed to the  Appeals Court and won. Fortunately for men, Craig brought the case to the Tennessee Supreme Court where the lower court decision was upheld. Jennifer Consewski was earning a salary of $73,000/yr and somehow didn’t think this was sufficient to live on.

Craig’s efforts will assist numerous married men in the future.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

FFMR - August 2013: Swayne O'Pie

For decades, Swayne O’Pie has been helping UK fathers in dealing with the British feminists. He regularly would explain to men how the justice and family deck was stacked against them and counsel them accordingly. In 2012, he put his thoughts into a book now available for purchase. 

For all the right reasons, he is the Man of the Month for August 2013. The book’s title is “Exposing Feminism: The Thirty Years’ War Against Men”.

Article1.pdf     Article2.pdf     BookReview.pdf 

Monday, July 15, 2013

FFMR - July 2013: Earl Silverman

For the last decade, Earl Silverman has operated Men’s Alternative Safe House in Calgary, Canada. It is the only safe house for men in Calgary. He was actively fundraising at all levels of government in his country that openly supported shelters for women, but not for men. Earl is a fine example of a man doing something to support men.

He did much to help men while he was with us. What are you doing?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

FFMR - June 2013: Ernest Belfort Bax

Ernest Belfort Bax (23 July 1854 – 26 November 1926) was a British journalist and philosopher. Bax was an ardent antifeminist, and wrote many articles in The New Age and elsewhere opposing women’s suffrage. In 1908 he wrote The Legal Subjection of Men. In 1913 he published an essay, The Fraud of Feminism detailing feminism’s adverse effects. Section titles included “The Anti-Man Crusade”, “The ‘Chivalry’ Fake”, “Always The ‘Injured Innocent’”, and “Some Feminist Lies and Fallacies”.

The message for today’s men is clear – some men who lived 100 years ago clearly saw the evils of feminism.

Biography   LegalSubjectionOfMen-Version1.pdf     Article1.pdf  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

FFMR - May 2013: Ram Z Paul

Ramzpaul has been operating his blog for some years. He comments on many aspects of American life, but his most insightful musing are about feminists. He patiently destroys several feminist tenets and is decidedly pro-male in his approaches. 

All men are encourage to start their own blog to assist other men.

    Blog      22 Facts About Young Men 

Monday, April 15, 2013

FFMR - April 2013: Captain No Marriage

Since May 2009, Captain No-Marriage has been maintaining a monthly blog about men’s issues. He chooses to approach Men’s Human Rights by advising men to never marry as this is the one thing that immediately impacts women, which will contribute to the end of feminism. One of the better postings is from April 6, 2010 where he clearly indicates how and why he chose to write his blog. 

His words are obviously having positive effects upon men, as more and more are choosing not to marry.  He says, "Marriage is a kick in the nuts.”

Blog    Blog2    About    Comments    Twitter    

Friday, March 15, 2013

FFMR - March 2013: Dan Perrins

By his own words, Dan Perrins is a new MRA and he is quickly learning that feminists do all things possible to censor men from open discussion — which tells one everything one needs to know about the true nature of feminism. Dan is learning first hand the feminist do not want equality. 

Dan is a shining example of yet another man who has had enough of the feminist nonsense that has infested western civilization.

article1.pdf    About big Red.flv     

What Feminists Say about Dan 1        

What Feminists Say about Dan 2      

Friday, February 15, 2013

FFMR - February 2013: Michael Ryan

The wife of Michael Ryan tried to hire a hit man to have him killed. Fortunately she was arrested. After 4+ years of trials and appeals, the entire Canadian Justice System has been exposed for pro-feminist anti-male bias. The facts of the case:

- Dec  2007, Michael Ryan moves out of the family home

 - Mar 2008, Nicole Ryan is arrested by Nova Scotia police for attempting to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband

 - 2009, Nova Scotia court rules Nicole is not guilty due to duress. Michael was not permitted to offer testimony in the trial.

 - 2011, Nova Scotia Supreme court rules Nicole is not guilty due to duress. Michael was not permitted to offer testimony in the trial.

 - 2012, Canada Supreme court rules that Nicole cannot use the defense of duress, as the ex-husband had not been living in the home. The Supreme Court did not order a retrial, but instead simply order no further trials would occur.

The wisest person in all of this is Michael’s daughter, Aimee, who has refused any contact with Nicole Ryan since the arrest. Several MRAs have indicated that Canada is truly the most feminist country in the world. This case supports this. Michael’s video, his story, and his perseverance are shining examples to all men.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

FFMR - January 2013: Mike Buchanan

Mike Buchanan (1957- ) is a British writer, publisher, and campaigner. He was a business executive for 30 years, one of his assignments being with the Conservative party (2006-8). He retired from business in 2010. Since 2008 he’s written nine books which are available to order worldwide through the usual channels and through his publishing website.  Mike’s last three books have been concerned have all denounced feminists, which is all you need to know about the books.

Blog    Blog2    Blog3    Article.pdf     Interview1     Interview2