Saturday, December 15, 2012

FFMR - December 2012: Barbarossaaaa

Barbarossaaa is a prolific supplier of videos and articles about men's issues. He is particularly adept at using YouTube to display videos, of which all of them should be viewed by MRAs. One only has to look at the comments left by others to discern how much his fine efforts are appreciated. His YouTube channel has had more than 1.5 million views.

Barbarossaaaa writes about himself: “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

Blog    Twitter   Facebook    Video1    Video2    Rants     

Thursday, November 15, 2012

FFMR - November 2012: J Rambo

The Boycott American Women website has been in operation for only a short time – about two years. Yet, it has received several hundred thousand hits. Most of the hits are from within the USA as can be seen by the map links below. Clearly American men are desperate for information to assist them in understanding their unhappiness with American females.

The author believes, in a nutshell, that American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women? American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least. This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.

That Jezebel and Momisodes had such a negative reaction to his blog, is a compliment and demonstrates the normal level of man-hating displayed by feminists. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

FFMR - October 2012: Dalrock

Dalrock writes a blogs that covers a incredible amount of issues related to men. That he is a skilled writer explains why he has such a large following. He is a representitive of mainstream MRAs as his positions are moderate, at least at this time. He sees himself as “A happily married man living with my sexy wife and our two wonderful kids in the Dallas/Forth Worth area.  I’m very interested in how the post feminist world impacts myself and my family, and am using this blog to explore these kinds of issues.” That he has not had the joy experiencing the American divorce system probably accounts for this moderate stance.

I’m a happily married man living with my sexy wife and our two wonderful kids in the Dallas/Forth Worth area.  I’m very interested in how the post feminist world impacts myself and my family, and am using this blog to explore these kinds of issues.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

FFMR - September 2012: Avi Woolf

Avi Woolf is an American Jew living in Israel and writes on several subjects that interests him. He is clearly a learned man and offers discerning opinions on a host of subjects. He is a favored kind of men’s writer because he is just starting to inform others of the negative aspects of feminists, as it relates to the world in which he sees. When writing about the evils of feminism, he still writes in a soft or factual tone because he is making the common mistake of men’s writers early in their  musings about feminism: That is to say he is still writing with a tone that suggest that feminists will alter their man-hating diatribes once fairness and logic are pointed out to them. Experience men’s writers know different. 

If you follow Avi’s writing into the future, you will see that he will eventually become more and more confrontational with feminists as he will learn what all MRA eventually learn – feminists are man hater that must be countered.  Should you wish to contact him, his blog provides an email address.

Blog    Article1    Article2    Interview     

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FFMR - August 2012:

Since March 2012, three hosts have showed great initiative in producing a website and regular video highlighting issues of interest to men worldwide.  The hosts – Walter, Doug, and Aoirthoir provide a laid back format with insightful discussion on numerous issues. Items such a MRA meetings, news items, and general announcements are shining lights to keep men informed. 

The website and the video production show clearly that some men are not simply talking about feminist evil – they are doing something about it. Its all about action. Start action in your area today!

Website     About    

Sunday, July 15, 2012

FFMR - July 2012: Christian J

Christian J lives in Australia, arguably the home of the most nasty of feminists. He has written his blog and made other MRA contributions that can be found across the internet. His writing show clear insight into the ugly aspects of feminism. Christian’s blog site provides regular insight into
the true evil nature of feminism. 

BlogSite       AboutChristian J     Facebook      Audio    YouTube    

OneForAll         RadFem              Video 

Friday, June 15, 2012

FFMR - June 2012: Giles Hellier

Giles Hellier has a lot to say about many things, as is found on his YouTube channel. He is particularly vocal against the evil idea known as feminism. Many many men can benefit by seeing his video broadcasts for one simple reason – he is going public. He is going public and voicing his views which puts him in a leadership position among men. If you are reading these words, follow his lead. 

Go public with your support of Men’s Rights and your anger about feminism. Create a video, become an MRA, or argue with your sister(s) are just of a few of the methods showing how to *get active*. Remember … the world changes when you do.

Video1      Video2       You Tube Channel    

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

FFMR - May 2012: Jade Michael

Jade Martin is a man of action. He is a performing artist who is outspoken about the dangerous feminists that have infiltrated all aspects of American society and he is also the author of the website Successful social movements have predictable patterns of progress of which a principal pattern is the involvement of the arts community. 

Jade is a shining beacon for all male artists to participate in the Men’s Movement. He acted as host for International Men’s Day (Nov 17, 2012) which served to give more light onto the problem of misandry.

Website     Go My Own Way.mp3       article1  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

FFMR - April 2012: James Taranto

James Taranto, a noted journalist for The Wall Street Journal and a member of the ‘establishment’, published a very revealing article about female hypergamy. This aspect of female DNA that is the root of all human conflict and is given little attention by the press. 

That Taranto was allowed to address the issue in the WSJ shows that the hypergamy problem is inching into the public discourse – something long overdue. James Taranto must be given accolades for his leadership.

WSJ article       YouTube     Interview     Video1     Video2

Thursday, March 15, 2012

FFMR - March 2012: John Hembling

John the Other participates actively on A Voice for Men website. He possesses high quality research and writing skills, ensuring that his words are easy to read, clearly stated and point directly to the issues that men are facing. He is often heard on the AVFM weekly radio show too.

John is representative of many, many men. He sees the discrimination that men face every day and he is contributing in his way to end feminism. 

AVFM Blog    Website   


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FFMR - February 2012: Jack Donovan

Jack Donovan is a write about many aspects of American culture, including the role of men. He is particularly busy advocating for the resurgence of tribalism and manly virtue.  He has contributed articles to Alternative,  the anti-feminist/men’s interest site  The Spearhead,  and Amerika

He has appeared on television and radio to discuss the topic of manhood. His controversial first book, Androphilia (written under the pen name Jack Malebranche) was a polemic criticizing the endemic leftism and effeminacy of contemporary gay activism and gay culture. Donovan advocated the abandonment of sexuality-as-identity and encouraged men with homosexual preferences to interact with the world as men above all else — adhering to the same fundamental codes and masculine ideals as their heterosexual peers. 

Website    Bio    Interview   Article    Book    

Sunday, January 15, 2012

FFMR - January 2012: Bill Burr

Bill Burr is a well known comedian who makes fun of numerous aspects of contemporary life. He spends much time on the stage making jokes about women. Many men hide behind comedy to instruct other men as to the depth of the female hatred of men. Although it is less important that Bill hides behind comedy, what he says is true. 

Men are wise to listen to his words. He also has a website and weekly podcast. 

 Twitter   Website     Advice on Women

 Women ruin Everything    Female works vs REAL work