Andre L Henry is a hero.
Falsely accused by a angry young woman, he was brought up on criminal charges after he had
consensual sex. The charges were dropped but the University notified him that
he was barred from campus pending an investigation by the school. He was not
allowed on campus grounds or adjacent areas for 45 days.
Henry was informed by Delaware
State University that a hearing would be held in front the General Judicial
Council where he was not permitted to have an attorney present. His accuser was
not present at the hearing. A separate hearing, of which Henry wasn’t informed,
was held especially for the alleged victim. His suspension was lifted upon the
conclusion of the hearing.
The kangaroo court known as a
"General Judicial Council" is typical of American university power
run amok, as they are guided by the feminists that infest the entire education
system. The university is hiding behind the false ideas that Obama's "Dear
Colleague" letter guides their actions.
Andre Henry has launched a
lawsuit against the university for violation of his rights to due process.